Friday, July 27, 2007

modarn jawelarry

The Diamond Market
There are fewer than 200 or so companies or people authorized to buy these rough diamonds from De Beers. These “sightholders” tend to meet in Antwerp, Israel, London, and New York. They trade under the organizations of “The Syndicate”, “Central Selling Organization”, “Diamond Trading Company”, “Antwerp World Diamond Center” where these sightholders will sit across from each other and haggle ( to argue in bargaining ) on the numerous rough, polished and industrial diamonds through a formal contract of a simple handshake with the words “Muzel” exchanged. Diamonds are the most coveted of all precious gems, as is witnessed by the extremely high demand for them. While this has not always been the case, diamonds are nonetheless exquisite gems that go through a long, tedious refining process from the time they are pulled from the ground to when you see them in the jewelry store. And, while some of the mystique of diamonds may be gone -- they're just carbon, after all -- the diamond will likely continue to be a highly coveted jewel, because, well, "A Diamond is Forever."

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